Thursday, October 9, 2014


It's interesting how people come into our lives for many different reasons. Katlyn is the daughter of a facebook friend of mine. Her Mom posted on FB one day that Katlyn had been beaten up and bullied at school by other girls. I reached out to her Mom and wanted to do something special for her. I organized a special outing for her. It included getting her hair done, make-up, and a portrait sitting. Scissor Happy, in Christiansburg, worked their magic! I took the photographs.

Brittany Jones, Scissor Happy - donated her time and materials to Katlyn for her hair and make-up.

The staff at Scissor Happy

A VERY happy Mom and Katlyn.

After lots of positive conversation, she returned to school and is now loving life again. Her Mom tells me that she has staying after school a lot and is happy again. Thanks for smiling!


  1. How sweet!!!! She is a beautiful young lady.

  2. Katlyn, I've known your mom since she was a young girl, I was her cheerleading coach and she was just a little older than my daughter, who was also bullied. What your mom, my daughter and I will all tell you is, it's the truly beautiful people, inside and out who get bullied. What you have to remember is, those who do this…are fighting some other battle and they only choose you, because you have all those qualities they haven't found in themselves yet. Sadly, they think if they bring you down a little, it will lift them up. Be strong, know that you are GORGEOUS and try hard to look at them in a different way, with grace and forgiveness because THEY are the ones, not you, who are struggling! One day, you will look back and see that you had and have, all that they don't and they don't know another way to "fix" themselves. So, feel bad for them, NOT bad about yourself. Everyone is fighting some sort of battle and obviously, theirs is FAR bigger , than yours!
